General Features of ECDIS ARPA / RADAR Simulator
The display system will have the ability to rotate the image from the virtual heading to the bridle swing, which can be rotated 360 o horizontally, changing the vertical view of the view up and down.
- The imaging system will provide twilight, night and day conditions for educational purposes.
- The imaging system will include the sea state, wind, clouds, fog, rain, night stars, tide level head striking buoy, rudder waters, global world model and ground structure.
- Special lanterns for float systems (IALA System A and System B), navigation lights and navigational aids will be changeable.
- The display system showing 1 horizontal image area on the bridge will be provided by LCD projection system. This system should be able to be developed up to 11 images (window) when requested.
- On the bridge maneuvering and rudder control consoles will be equipped with the equipment required for cruise control of a classic and modern ship.

1 + 8 Student Ecdis Simulator Class
Ship maneuvering controls will include the following features;
On the computer screen;
To indicate the direction of the ship (Gyro Repeater)
ship's speed, speed meter (Longitudinal Doppler Log,)
Return rate indicator
rudder sensor of
the propeller of RPM and RPM / Pitch setting
air pressure launch index
Wind direction and speed (Relative and actual) gauge
Depth gauge GPS fix (latitude / Longitude display)
Interactive navigation lights and iron control panel
ECDIS - ARPA / RADAR screen;
- The ECDIS ARPA / RADAR screen will simulate real devices, meeting IMO requirements. The bridge will include modern color scanner type and navigation functions. ARPA RADAR will comply with the IMO rules (A-477, A-48, A-823) in terms of the functions of the consoles.
- Operation on Radar X / S bands, Relative movement in Bow or North direction, Real motion and ARPA functions.
- Creation of effects on different pulse lengths and widths, different effects on different widths and widths, digital reflection, SART signal, Racon, Shadow sector, Reflection effect, Pseudo echo, Lap and side lobe effects, ARPA RADAR Simulator ship control navigation structures the effects of antenna rotation speeds can be affected by sea and rain.
Teacher screen;
- The training unit will be able to give flexibility to select and control the following events before and during the user training scenario. These events are; Scenery and image creation system (sight, fog, sunlight) Environment (wind, current, sea, depth, shallowness etc.) Traffic (watching ship types, return points, rovers etc.) Radar ecole Features of the mission Navigation assistants
- The database management system will have the data editing feature for training, training, creating new scenarios, and a ready-made scenario.