Bridge Simulators are in compliance with the latest International Maritime Organization (IMO) and IEC Standards and the requirements set forth in the STCW 2010 (Standard Training Certification and Watchkeeping) contract.

Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator
LCHS , Cargo Handling & Ship Stability and Tanker Operations courses. This simulation aims at the operation of tanker systems in line with the requirements of the standard IMO courses.
The GMDSS Simulator conforms to the requirements specified in the STCW 95 contract, VHF radio, MF / HF radio, NAVTEX receiver, Inmarsat C simulator training
Engine Room
Basic Engine Room Operations for Students, Emergency Operations, Fault Reduction, Fuel Economy and Energy Exchange Trainings.
Rudder Holding Simulator
Seafarers' Regulations are suitable for trainings to understand and implement steering and steering commands in Turkish and English